Paperless DRA's with Notabiltiy 

10:50 AM
Ditch the paper and copy machine for paperless running records!  This Google Presentation tutorial will show you how to use Google Drive and Notability (iPad app) to record and track student DRA/Running Record results.

I used the Blackline Masters CD from my DRA2 kit to upload the blackline files to Google Drive.  Of course, you can also upload any text file or running record recording sheet you currently use.

Once your files are in Google Drive, they can easily be imported into the Notability app on your iPad.  Use Notability to record your running records/student miscues as you would with paper and pencil.  When finished, upload the student running record to their folder on Drive for future reference.

View this Google Presentation to view step-by-step details.

Image result for download icon  notability

 View the Notability app in iTunes

My favorite stylus - you can get it at Amazon

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